About the TMRC
Our Club
The Townsville Marksmen Rifle Club (TMRC) is reputably the oldest sporting club in Townsville with its beginning occurring somewhere in 1885. Since that time the club has enjoyed the use of three ranges, the first was located the Townsville Port, the second at Cluden and now the club owns the rifle range situated at the base of Hervey's Range. TMRC has the honour of being the senior target sports club in North Queensland.
The TMRC is primarily a target rifle club where members use precision single shot bolt action rifles at paper (circular aiming mark) targets over 100 metre intervals from 300 metres to 900 metres (1000 yards). This style of shooting is also referred to as prone fullbore discipline and is a Commonwealth Games sport. The history of this style of shooting pre-dates the Boer War and today's accuracy owes much to the Servicemen who developed marksmanship techniques with the .303 rifles early in the 20th Century.
In 2002 TMRC became a registered smallbore rifle club and members now enjoy .22 calibre rimfire competitions on a regular basis. This smallbore discipline is an Olympic sport.
TMRC is the owner of the Hervey's Range Shooting Complex (HRSC).
Shooting is conducted under the Standard Shooting Rules (SSRs) of the National Rifle Association of Australia (NRAA).
Our Complex
Hervey’s Range Shooting Complex (HRSC) is a multi-discipline range to the North West of Townsville. The complex is located some 30km from Townsville on the Hervey Range road. The complex is owned by the Townsville Marksmen Rifle Club Inc. (TMRC).
The complex consists of a Fullbore and several smaller ranges.
Contacting the TMRC
Anyone interested in contacting the club are able to reach the club secretary by email (info [replace-with-at] tmrc.com.au), or by mobile (0456 645 858).
Permitted Classes of Rifle Shooting
Target Rifle
Fullbore single shot bolt action target rifle with peep sights up to 7.62mm/.308 calibre, fired at 300 to 1000 yards/metres.
F Class – Scope Rifle
Fullbore bolt action target rifle with telescopic sights and rests, up to 8mm, fired at 300 to 1000 yards/metres.
.22 calibre rimfire rifle or air rifle can be used. In addition to Smallbore Benchrest Smallbore discipline is also shot. There is scope for people to come and have a general shoot at the range with either a .22 rifle or an air rifle.
2016 NQRA Queens Event
A huge thanks to Kylie Davis who produced the video showcasing the 2016 NQRA Queens (an annual event).